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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

U.S. Armenia Hold Defense Talks

-----Original Message-----
From: Emil [mailto:Emil@aaainc.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:18 AM
Subject: Armenia This Week - 08/16/04ARMENIA THIS WEEK

Monday, August 16, 2004

U.S., ARMENIA HOLD DEFENSE TALKS; NEW U.S. AMBASSADOR SWORN INThe Armenian Defense Ministry delegation led by Gen. Artur Aghabekianwas in Kansas last week for annual bilateral consultations with theU.S. counterparts led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense JamesMcDougall. While in Kansas, Armenian officials also met with stateofficials to discuss the ongoing Armenia-Kansas National Guard StatePartnership program. The program pairs Eastern European countrieswith U.S. states' national guards for civil-military training.Last Wednesday, John Evans, a career foreign service officer, wassworn in as Ambassador to Armenia and is due to depart for Yerevanlater this month.At the ceremony marking the occasion, Deputy Secretary of StateRichard Armitage recalled "the hardship of the people of Armenia"during the energy crisis of 1992, when Armitage coordinated U.S.assistance to former Soviet republics. Armitage added that itwas "heartwarming" for him to see how far Yerevan has come during hismost recent visit last February and said U.S. and Armenia were nowworking to extend the growth from the capital to small towns andrural areas.Last Thursday, Armenian government officials said that they wouldlike to invest new U.S. assistance under the Millennium Challengeprogram in Armenia's rural infrastructure and agricultural sector.
(Sources: Armenian Embassy in U.S. 8-9; www.state.gov 8-11; RFE/RLArmenia Report 8-12)Visit http://www.aaainc.org/ArTW/archive.php to read Armenia This Weekissues since 1997.A

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